2019 Kia Optima

Interior and exterior Kia Optima color combinations

2019 Kia Optima exterior paint color options

Are you looking for a beautiful color for the 2019 Kia Optima? We cover all the 2019 Kia Optima exterior paint color options right here. We’ll dive into exterior options, interior options, and more for each trim with our comprehensive color options chart complete with pictures. There are eight exterior color options in all, and we bet you’re going to have a hard time picking your favorite. Read the rest of this entry >>

2019 Kia Sportage

Interior color options for the 2019 Sportage

Is the 2019 Kia Sportage available with leather?

The 2019 Kia Sportage is fun, innovative, and so sporty that it has sport right in the name. If you’re looking for a little luxury in your SUV, then you can have that too. Is the 2019 Kia Sportage available with leather? It sure is, and we can run you through all your options including other interior amenities that will make your life a little more comfortable and luxurious. Read the rest of this entry >>

School books

LeBron James gives back to his community with a new public school

What is the LeBron James I Promise School?

Akron is a proud city, and we couldn’t be prouder of LeBron James and all that he has accomplished. He left a legacy out on the court that he is still building on, and he is leaving a different sort of legacy right here in Akron with the I Promise School. What is the LeBron James I Promise School? It’s a privately-funded public school with big ideas funded in part by LeBron James.

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