All posts by Admin

Front view of the 2018 Kia Soul

What are the Trim Levels on the 2018 Kia Soul MPV Hatchback?

2018 Kia Soul Trim Option Differences 

Upon its release, the Kia Soul was thought to be a bit of an oddball with its design. Most thought of the Soul as either an experiment that was soon to fail or a vehicle that would have a small and loyal cult following only because of its unique look. However, now the Soul is the best-selling Kia model in America! But what makes the Soul such a popular option? How did this creative car beat the previous most-popular Kia: the reliable and traditional Kia Optima midsize sedan?

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A poster of Merry Christmas

2017 Christmas Activities and Events near Akron, OH

Holidays Events in December throughout Summit County 

Christmas songs fill the radio and every inch of every town is being decorated for the holiday season! Now is the time to celebrate, and you shouldn’t wait otherwise December will be over before you know it! Here at VanDevere Kia, we’ve found all kinds of great ways to enjoy the season all over Akron, Ohio and the greater area of Summit County!

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Front view of the 2018 Kia Rio

What are the New Features of the 2018 Kia Rio?

New Features found in the New 2018 Kia Rio 

Introducing the brand-new 2018 Kia Rio! The Rio cuts the fat from bigger vehicles, dropping tons of specialized features such as big cargo capacities, towing abilities, and off-road capabilities. Ridding itself of all of this baggage, the new 2018 Rio still has plenty of convenience features to offer, while able to do so at a fraction of the cost compared to other vehicles.

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Salesman talking to a couple at a dealership

Kia’s Light Up the Holidays Sales Event near Akron, OH

Save Big at End of the Year Sales Event in Summit County 

The year of 2017 is finally winding down. With that,  the shopping frenzy begins! Every business across the country is preparing their own end of year sales events as an incentive for the holiday shopping season! If you’re looking to purchase a new or pre-owned vehicle, then we here at VanDevere Kia are here to welcome you to Kia’s annual Light Up the Holidays sales event! From now until the end of November, our dealership is offering huge discounts of up to $3,000 off our very best Kia models!

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A poster of Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Buffets and Dinners In and Near Akron, OH

Great Places to Eat at on Thanksgiving Day 

Celebrate Thanksgiving with a tasty and filling meal. Don’t worry about groceries, cooking, and a sink full of dishes to clean. Instead, take the family out for a festive meal around the town! Here are some great restaurants in Akron, Ohio and the great Summit County that offer delicious meals on Thanksgiving Day!

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Side view of the 2018 Kia Sportage

What is the Carrying and Cargo Capacity for the 2018 Kia Sportage?

2018 Kia Sportage Interior Seating and Storage Space 

Not every car driver wants a full-sized SUV that can be too big with poor handling, and an outrageous price. But some people still want more out of a car than the average compact can provide. A small trunk space and cramped interior isn’t enough. A lot of drivers need an in between, a compromise. For these drivers the answer is the compact SUV.

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Side view of the 2018 Kia Sorento

What Colors does the 2018 Kia Sorento Come In?

2018 Kia Sorento Exterior Finish Options 

The popular and powerful Kia Sorento is back again for another year. The 2018 Kia Sorento is new and improved with enough new design features and powerful engine additions to make the Sorento a superior step up over other baseline SUVs. Strong, appealing, and practical, the 2018 Kia Sorento is an incredible vehicle. You’ll always look great driving around in any of the Sorento’s new exterior finish options. So, what features and colors does the 2018 Kia Sorento come in?

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A woman driving a vehicle

What Can I Do to Make My Car Safer?

How to Improve Your Car’s Safety 

Safety is an incredibly important feature of a vehicle. However, not all car buyers can afford a brand-new model with the best features available. If your vehicle doesn’t have multiple cameras, sensor alignment, and automatic signaling, what can you do? Here, at VanDevere Kia, we’ve found some great ways to make your car as safe as it can be.

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